What about the car donation tax deduction?
The deduction for donating an automobile is based on the good their market value of that vehicle. You can get the fair market value in a number of different methods. The most common way is going on the web and look at specialty web sites where you can put invehicle's details: year, condition, and so forth. The donation is structured on a list that IRS has featuring organizations that are qualified as donors. However, churches, temples or wats, mosques, governments, or gov departments don't have to be on that list as a qualified corporation to donate to. On the other hand, almost all of the time people are donating the vehicle to groups like those people above. In order to get the benefit from donating a vehicle you have to itemize your taxes on your taxes return. Itemize rather than doing the standard deductions, otherwise it's not even worth making a gift. You'd be better off selling it if it can a low class vehicle. You need to be honest about the good market v...